The RADIO screen is to manage the details of
your premium radio station and this screen has
divided into sixe sections. To get to this
screen in the Media Console select the RADIO
button on
the main navigation. |
The first section of the RADIO screen displays
the premium radio station name, it's primary and
genres, the web address, a secondary web
address, whether you are on the KryKey mobile
radio apps, the station's frequency and
call-sign, its location in the world (used in
search on all devices) and finally the
time-zone of the station. |
The next section is called COMMS, which includes
the station's phone number, Skype name,
Whatsapp number, Viber number, the station's
slogan and description (about). |
The SLOGAN and ABOUT can be embedded into any
web site by creating the code in the Media
Console Add-Ons Media screen. These are both
dynamic so when you change them here they
change on the web site they are placed on. |
SLOGAN : 64 characters only / ABOUT : 250
characters only |
The SOCIAL MEDIA section allows you to add the
web addresses of all the popular social media
services that are currently available. All
addresses require http/https to be valid. |
The Social Media icons and dynamic links can be
embedded into any web site. To create the code
go to the Media Console Add-Ons Media screen and
select 'socials', and then this code that is
created can be then added to any web page. |
The Social Media is also used in the Studio's
"programmable-buttons" which are set on the
Console Radio screen. |
The TWEETS section currently displays two tweets
we use to tweet out about your premium radio
station and one you can add which we will also
tweet out. Maximum character length is 140. |
The STUDIO section has three informational
dropdowns that you can select the browser you
are using,
the operating system of the PC you are using and
if you use an external studio with our LyvShow
PC app which one. |
There also seven "programmable" buttons that can
be set for the Studio, and you can choose one
of the Social Media addresses you added. Once
you have set these, they are displayed in the
and when you click/tap on them in the Studio
they open the Social media. |
STATUS ALERTS are currently NOT active until
later in 2017. But you will be able to (like you
can using the LyvShow App) send a status-alert
to the player. This version of the status-alerts
will also
send these to the mobile apps. |
The MOBILE APPS section currently has the
addresses for the KryKey Android & Apple apps,
the Tunein Android & Apple apps. |
The STREAM DIRECTORIES section displays the
Tunein stream. |
After changing anything on the RADIO screen, you
need to click/tap the SAVE CHANGES button,
and then the top will be displayed with a
successful message in green. |